Montreal Barbell The PR GYM

Strength Training, Powerlifting, Strongman, Bodybuilding

28-APR-11 > Deadlift

Conventional Reverse band Deadlift (hook grip)

135 x 5

225 x 5

275 x 5

335 x 3

405 x 3

470 x 1  + suit bottoms

540 x 1

605 x 1  + straps up (best hook grip thus far this training)

640 x 1  + add lifting straps

687.5 x 1  PR  (grip started to go at top)

702.5 x 0  (got above knees, couldn't lock it out)

Band Leg Curls  4 x 6-10

Rev Band Hypers  2 x 12

Suitcase Deadlifts  3 x 6

Abs  4 x 5-15

Grip Work



27-APR-11 > Metal Militia Bench - Low End Work

Bench Press

135 x 6

185 x 6

225 x 6

250 x 6

Decending Paused Bench Press (5,4,3,2,1 sec pause)

300 x 5

340 x 5  PR

Close Grip Bench Press to Manpon

355 x 3

375 x 3

400 x 3  PR

Close Grip Decline Bench Press

355 x 5

375 x 5

405 x 5  PR

Chuck V Rows  4 x 10

Rope Tri Extensions  2 x 20-40


25-APR-11 > Squat

Working up to 90% Squat and full Gear

135 x 3 x 2 sets

225 x 3 x 2 sets

275 x 3 x 2 sets

365 x 1

435 x 1 + Briefs

525 x 1

595 x 1

680 x 1 + Suit bottoms

725 x 1 + Strap up loose

765 x 1 + knee wraps


Band Hip Adduction  3 x 8-15

Foam Roll and Stretch



18-APR-11 > Squat

S/S Bar Squats - Raw

BAR x 5

135 x 5

225 x 3

275 x 2 x 4 sets

340 x 2

410 x 2

480 x 1

480 x 2  PR

45* GHR  3 x 8-15

Paused Band Pullthroughs  3 x 8

45* Back Raise  3 x 10-15

ABS  4 x 5-15


17-APR-11 > Metal Militia Shirt/Upper Work

Close Grip Bench Press

135 x 5

185 x 4

225 x 3

280 x 3

315 x 3

325 x 3

Shirted Bench Press

425 x 2

465 x 2

505 x 2

535 x 2

560 x 2

5 Board Band Press

275 x 5 + 1 mini band

275 x 5 + 2 mini band

275 x 5 + 3 mini band

275 x 5 + 3 mini band/1 mm band

275 x 5 + 2 mini band/2 mm band

Chuck V Rows  3 x 10

DB Shrugs  4 x 10

Facepulls  3 x 10


Nothing felt good tonight, not like last week which felt awesome

13-APR-11 > Metal Militia Low End Work

Floor Press

135 x 6

185 x 6

225 x 6

250 x 6

Paused Floor Press (decending count 5,4,3,2,1 sec)

295 x 5

335 x 5  PR

Close Grip Floor Press to Manpon

325 x 3

350 x 3

375 x 3

Close Grip Declines

315 x 5

335 x 5

355 x 5

Fat Man Pullups x 40

Rope Extensions  2 x 20-40

KB Shoulder Press  3 x 10

Hammer Curls  3 x 10



11-APR-11 > Squat

Paused Squats

Bar x 5

Bar x 5

135 x 5

225 x 3

315 x 1

405 x 1

495 x 1 + Briefs

565 x 1

632.5 x 1  + knee wraps

662.5 x 1  PR

Cambered Bar GMs

240 x 8

240 x 8

Paused Band Pullthroughs  3 x 8-15

Calf Raise  3 x 8-15

ABS  4 x 5-15s